Nicholas Kraemer - Handel Messiah (Live in Chicago) - [Albums]

Albums 01-05-2022, 16:04

Nicholas Kraemer - Handel Messiah (Live in Chicago) - 2022 - WEB FLAC 16BITS 44.1KHZ+MP3.rar

Nicholas Kraemer - Handel Messiah (Live in Chicago)
Label Berto Records
Nombre de pistes 44
Genre Classique

01. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 1, Symphony (Live)
02. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 2, Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People (Live)
03. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 3, Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Live)
04. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 4, And the Glory, The Glory of the Lord (Live)
05. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 5, Thus Saith the Lord, The Lord of Hosts (Live)
06. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 6, But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming (Live)
07. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 7, And He Shall Purify (Live)
08. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 8, O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Live)
09. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 9, For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Live)
10. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 10, The People That Walked in Darkness (Live)
11. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 11, For Unto Us a Child Is Born (Live)
12. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 12, Pifa (Live)
13. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 13, There Were Shepheards Abiding in the Field (Live)
14. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 14, And Suddenly, There Was with the Angel a Multitude (Live)
15. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 15, Glory to God in the Highest (Live)
16. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 16, Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (Live)
17. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 17, He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd (Live)
18. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 18, His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light (Live)

01. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 19, Behold the Lamb of God (Live)
02. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 20, He Was Despised (Live)
03. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 21, Surely, He Hath Borne Our Griefs and Carried Our Sorrows (Live)
04. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 22, And with His Stripes We Are Healed (Live)
05. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 23, All We Like Sheep (Live)
06. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 24, All They That See Him, Laugh Him to Scorn (Live)
07. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 25, He Trusted in God (Live)
08. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 26, Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Live)
09. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 27, Behold, And See If There Be Any Sorrow (Live)
10. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 28, He Was Cut off out of the Land of the Living (Live)
11. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 29, But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (Live)
12. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 30, Lift up Your Heads (Live)
13. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 32, Thou Art Gone up on High (Live)
14. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 33, The Lord Gave the Word (Live)
15. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 34, How Beautiful Are the Feet of Him (Live)
16. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 35, Their Sound Is Gone out into All Lands (Live)
17. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 36, Why Do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together (Live)
18. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 37, Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder (Live)
19. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 38, Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod of Iron (Live)
20. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 39, Hallelujah (Live)
21. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 40, I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Live)
22. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 41, Since by Man Came Death (Live)
23. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 42, Behold, I Tell You a Mystery (Live)
24. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 43, The Trumpet Shall Sound (Live)
25. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 46, If God Be for Us Who Can Be Against Us (Live)
26. Messiah, HWV 56: No. 47, Worthy Is the Lamb, That Was Slain (Live)

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