John Williams - Star Wars: La Menace Fantôme (Remasterisé) - [B.O/OST]

B.O/OST 08-10-2023, 19:36

John Williams - Star Wars: La Menace Fantôme (Remasterisé)
Label Walt Disney Records
Nombre de pistes 17
Genre OST

- Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo (2min 55s)
- Duel of the Fates (4min 14s)
- Anakin's Theme (3min 7s)
- Jar Jar's Introduction and the Swim to Otoh Gunga (5min 5s)
- The Sith Spacecraft and the Droid Battle (2min 36s)
- The Trip to the Naboo Temple and the Audience with Boss Nass (4min 9s)
- The Arrival at Tatooine and the Flag Parade (4min 3s)
- He Is the Chosen One (3min 54s)
- Anakin Defeats Sebulba (4min 22s)
- Passage Through the Planet Core (4min 37s)
- Watto's Deal and Kids at Play (4min 56s)
- Panaka and the Queen's Protectors (3min 22s)
- Queen Amidala and the Naboo Palace (4min 50s)
- The Droid Invasion and the Appearance of Darth Maul (5min 11s)
- Qui-Gon's Noble End (3min 46s)
- The High Council Meeting and Qui-Gon's Funeral (3min 6s)
- Augie's Great Municipal Band and End Credits (9min 37s)

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